Friday, November 29, 2013

Patrick's First Thanksgiving

 Patrick had a special Thanksgiving day Feast in his classroom. All of his kinder friends were there. 

 Cade and patrick have become good buddies. They are in the same class and also go to TLC after school together.

Another year with the fabulous Sra. Regueiero! We love her!

Raising Money for the Gators!

 The boys ran hard for 20 minutes each to raise money for the Gates Gators!

John ran hard the whole time. he ran four more laps than last year.

 Patrick wanted to stop a few times, but the cheering kept him going.

Patrick and his kinder buddies!

John's First Soccer Season

 John played hard during his first season of soccer. He scored a goal during last game and received a super cool trophy from his coach.

 Matthew and Patrick were always there for the team huddle!

Coach Marc was awesome with the kids. He helped John to really love playing the sport.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving in Ramona 2013

 John chose his own special holiday outfit.

Patrick is recovering well from his fall off of the bleachers.

Martin and Marsha joined in the festivities in Ramona. Marsha even took a cold and quick Rhino ride with Patrick, Matthew and me.

Marsha was brave enough to sit with the wild bunch at the kids' table.

 The boys took a break from playing to pose for a  crazy picture and a smiling picture.

 Dad always takes the boys out to feed the treats to the dogs next door.

Grandma put on a great spread for everyone. Patrick especially liked the lollipops at the end of the meal. 

 Grandpa got home an hour before all of the guests arrived. I think he needed a nap when we left!
Laura's parents, Joyce and Joe, just returned from the British Isles. Retirement looks good on them!