Friday, April 19, 2013

Palm Springs, Norman Style

Let's get ready to swim!

 Patrick is a wild man in the water.

 Matt wouldn't let go of Tom all weekend.

Uncle Todd and his little guy, Will, look so much alike.  Good times in the pool :)

 The kids all had a great time jumping and performing Spinjitsu in the pool!

 Movie time is the best time.

 Picnic on the green...cousins only!

Patrick had fun practicing his ball sports on the lawn.

 So beautiful!

 Luke, I am your father...

 Cousinly love :)

 And we all fall down...

 Pose for the camera, Little Normans.

 Get crazy for the camera, Little Normans!

Love the white sandals! Aunt Andrea had some just like 'em when she was little. 

The living desert was hot, but fun.

Trains, trains and more trains!

 Will, Papa and Matthew. Three happy campers.
 Time for a tram ride! Guess who's not happy...

Look at that handsome smile :) 

Is this what Africa is like?  

 Awesome, just like being a giraffe.

 John, check this out...

Giddy up!  

 Is this alive? 

 Time to rest.

The carousel was a big for all!

 Henry, John and Greta. This whole situation is far more complicated than it appears.

Hmmm...what is that? Do they have those in Chicago?

Easter Sunday 2013

 The boys woke up and found their baskets right away.

 The Easter Bunny brought Legos and Swim suits for everyone. 

 Patrick was overjoyed.

 Grammy and papa joined us for Easter breakfast.

 Our first holiday in the new blue dining room. 

 Patrick, looking so handsome in his new swim short with his chocolate bunny.

 A picture before the annual hunt!

 The Easter Bunny hid eggs all over the place!

 Oh no, I missed one!

 Matt needed a little help collecting eggs before his brothers found them all!

 Patrick wouldn't let the holiday go by without coloring Easter eggs.

 Matt and John got in on the action.