Friday, April 19, 2013

Easter Saturday at Cousin Tiffany's

 Tiffany and Jason's house is the coolest. Lots of trails and places to climb. Asher was a handsome little man that day!

 John was defying gravity by running around the empty pond .

 The boys have a pet snake...we never will. 

 Ma and Grandma were looking beautiful in their Easter colors.

 The boys swung from the trees on these ropes. 

 The twins have a teeter totter in the form of a superman plane. 

 London got in on the swinging action. 

Havannah and Laura enjoyed a break in the shade. 

 Patrick, John and Nick ran all over the hill looking for Easter eggs.

Matt doesn't care if it is a holiday or not, he always wears his Superman costume.  

 The little kids hunted for eggs up top, and the big kids hunted for eggs along the trails. 

 Watch out for the snakes...

Patrick couldn't wait to see what was inside if his eggs. John just wanted more Seven Up:)

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