Thursday, December 26, 2013

Pre Holiday Happenings!

 Patrick was a reindeer for his Holiday performance.

 The boys were all smiles for Santa. John calmly rattled off his Christmas list to Santa who knew all about the Wii and the game "Resort".

 John was awarded the "Citizen of the Month"  for his class. He was called up in front of all the Gates Gators and recognized for being such a good friend to others. 

 We tried to get him to stand still and smile, but he insisted on getting back to class with teacher.

 The boys helped decorate the Christmas tree from beginning to end. They were such hard workers!

 We only had a few ornamental casualties. 

 We took the boys to the Science Center in LA for an afternoon out and about. Then we went to "LA Live for lunch at the Yard House.

 Patrick experienced flying like "Dusty Crophopper".

 Using wind to move a vehicle. 

 The boys posed for a picture in front of the SR71 Spy Plane. Super cool!

 Building Gingerbread houses with our friends was fun and yummy at the same time. we had a hard time keeping the boys from easting all of the ingredients during the decorating phase of the project.

 Candice sacrficed her house for the good of the project.

 Matt was a patient decorator and ended up with a great looking house!

Tom took the boys out for the afternoon and went to the beach. 
It's hard to believe it's December in San Clemente!

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