Sunday, January 6, 2013

Big Bear with the Boys

We took the boys to the snow to go tubing. It was such a fun day! All of the boys loved it and Matthew even went down the hills by himself. 

John was the most excited when we arrived at the snow. He had his snow gear on long before the car stopped.

Patrick was all smiles the while day. He only cried once when another tuber ran into him. He learned to get out of the way as fast as possible!

After we went tubing down the hill, we took the boys to another area in Big Bear just to play in the snow. They quickly learned that they always need to wear gloves when they play in the snow. 

Matt had fun hanging out with Dad all day.

Still looking good in the same ski pants ten years later!

Patrick was determined to make a snow angel, even if his sweatshirt wasn't waterproof.

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