Saturday, January 5, 2013

John's Christmas Show at Gates

The room was packed. Good thing Grammy and Papa got there early so we could have some good seats. John is in the middle in the back. There are two kids even taller than him in his class!

Tom went into work late that day so he could see the performance. John did such as good job. He sang and did everything he was supposed to do! We have come a long way in a few years :)

John dressed himself the day of the show. He chose his favorite shiny green sweats, red sweatshirt and my soft brown scarf. He thought he looked very Christmasy and was quite proud of his "costume".

His teacher had the students make gingerbread men in the class. John has had lots of practice at home over the years. 

Sra. Jacome is so patient with the students. They all listened to the story before they frosted their gingerbread men.

John loves to hear stories. He was all smiles when mom came to help with the class project. 

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