Sunday, July 7, 2013

A Week in Paradise with the Gillilands

This is the beach up the street from Michelle's house. It was so beautiful. Since we were on the Marine base, all of the beaches were private and empty. Just a few surfers and sunbathers to be found. 

Joe, Michelle and Colin  were great hosts and took me all over the island. After only eight months living there, you would think they were locals.

The shave ice in Oahu can't be beat. We drove an hour to get the best. The condensed milk on top makes it all the more yummy!

Baby Colin just turned one and he is already saying a few words and using his sign language. He is just starting to walk all over the place!

Michelle played tour guide and took me to Pearl Harbor. It was her third trip on two months! I think she could lead the tour by now. 

The last time I was here was 21 years ago when I was 18, just after graduation. They have added on a lot of interesting exhibits highlighting the heroism of our Veterans. 

The boys loved all of their gifts from Oahu. Their favorite was the shark tooth necklace. So cool!

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