Sunday, July 7, 2013

End of the Year Celebrations

Patrick and his friends sang beautiful songs at the end of the year Mother's Day show. The kids were allowed to wear their favorite costume. Matthew was Superman, of course. 

There were fun crafts and projects for the kids afterwards.

Patrick's favorite was the the Tattoos. He had tattoos on his cheeks, his hands, his arms, you name it!

Patrick and Matthew tried their very best to do a good job on Mom's nails.

John was so proud to show off all of his amazing work at the end of the year Open House at his school.

Everyone had fun at John's Class Field Day during the water balloon toss. Here he is with his good friend, Alex.

John's teacher, Sra. Jacome let the class throw water balloons at her at the end of the day. The kids were so surprised, they didn't know what to do!

Tom and I enjoyed an evening out at the end of the year. The Santiago staff treated us to an amazing dinner at our favorite place, Nick's, in San Clemente.

Dad, Patrick and Matthew were triplets for the Father's day event at their preschool. They all wore grey T shirts and sweatpants. It's hard to tell them apart!

Patrick graduated from preschool in June. We all attended and watched the beautiful performance.

 Patrick's brothers were happy to join in the celebration.

Patrick's good buddies from La Cristianita, Carter, Blake and Cooper. They are all going different directions from here.

The teacher made a beautiful collage of all the children in class.

 Miss. Audrey was one of Patrick's teachers this year.

Patiently waiting for the ceremony to begin!

Grammy was there to see Patrick go from preschooler to kindergartner in an instant!

There is the big guy in the end in the black pants and tan sweater. Watch out Gates Elementary, here comes another Norman!

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